Trump Tells Amazon, FedEx, UPS to 'Search + Refuse' Packages Containing Fentanyl by Dan J

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Trump Tells Amazon, FedEx, UPS to 'Search + Refuse' Packages Containing Fentanyl

Trump Tells Amazon, FedEx, UPS to 'Search + Refuse' Packages Containing Fentanyl

Earlier today, President Trump told the major delivery companies delivering packages from China to the USA to 'search & refuse' their packages for fentanyl.

45 called out FedEx, USPS, UPS, & Amazon to "seek an alternative to China". According to a 2017 report by the US-China Economic & Security Review Commission, China is the single largest supplier of fentanyl to the United States.



As displayed above, the President stated, “I am ordering all carriers, including Fed Ex, Amazon, UPS and the Post Office, to SEARCH FOR & REFUSE, .... all deliveries of Fentanyl from China (or anywhere else!)."

It has not been confirmed yet whether these tweets will be followed up with official guidelines from the government.

A recent official statement from UPS addressing this is as follows: “(UPS) follows all applicable laws and administrative orders of the governments in the countries where we do business. We work closely with regulatory authorities to monitor for prohibited substances.”

FedEx was also quoted as saying, “already has extensive security measures in place to prevent the use of our networks for illegal purposes. We follow the laws and regulations everywhere we do business and have a long history of close cooperation with authorities.”



Due to the extremely addictive and destructive qualities of fentanyl, the DoHS has been seriously considering labeling the drug as a weapon of mass destruction. In 2017, the CDC estimates that there were an excess of 48,000 opiod American deaths.


What do you think of these bold statements? I think it's about time we have a President that cares for the well-being of his citizens.

Let me know your thoughts in the comments!

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1 comment

  • Fentanyl has a valid, important use in the medical field. There is not another drug that would fill the void left if the availability of legal Fentanyl is affected. You could probably ask a hundred doctors if Fentanyl was a crucial drug and you would probably get no for an answer. But ask a hundred anesthesiologists and they would say Fentanyl is crucial to their practice. You could ask a hundred Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist and they would agree. Fentanyl is limited to the use of anesthesia in various settings, particularly the operating room, post operative pain management with continuous epidurals, conscious sedation as well as general anesthesia. It is also used in well supervised critical care and emergency settings. Due to its potency, it should be restricted to the use of anesthesia personnel and those with specific training in conscious sedation and pain management. Legally, it is available as a liquid for IV or Epidural injection, as a nasal spray, lollipops and patches. To deprive hospice patients and chronic pain patients of this drug is inhumane. Where it gets turned into pills or powder form, I do not know, but I suspicion it all starts in China. Another form of fentanyl, Sufenta is also an important anesthesia drugs. I will point out that of all specialties, anesthesia has the highest rate of those who have substance abuse problems. They almost never abuse Fentanyl. I urge everyone involved to confer witht those who really understand the drug before a complete ban on it is issued
    Frances Means

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1 comment

  • Fentanyl has a valid, important use in the medical field. There is not another drug that would fill the void left if the availability of legal Fentanyl is affected. You could probably ask a hundred doctors if Fentanyl was a crucial drug and you would probably get no for an answer. But ask a hundred anesthesiologists and they would say Fentanyl is crucial to their practice. You could ask a hundred Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist and they would agree. Fentanyl is limited to the use of anesthesia in various settings, particularly the operating room, post operative pain management with continuous epidurals, conscious sedation as well as general anesthesia. It is also used in well supervised critical care and emergency settings. Due to its potency, it should be restricted to the use of anesthesia personnel and those with specific training in conscious sedation and pain management. Legally, it is available as a liquid for IV or Epidural injection, as a nasal spray, lollipops and patches. To deprive hospice patients and chronic pain patients of this drug is inhumane. Where it gets turned into pills or powder form, I do not know, but I suspicion it all starts in China. Another form of fentanyl, Sufenta is also an important anesthesia drugs. I will point out that of all specialties, anesthesia has the highest rate of those who have substance abuse problems. They almost never abuse Fentanyl. I urge everyone involved to confer witht those who really understand the drug before a complete ban on it is issued
    Frances Means