This week has been a monumental one in the fight against "The Invisible Enemy".
Yesterday's 2+ hour White House Press Briefing was pretty boring, so here's the important bits without any BS.
"Some day in the not-too-distant future, we are going to have our country back."
- President Trump unveiled his guidelines to re-open America with all of the governors. These guidelines were decided upon by fact-driven and science-backed metrics, none of the inflammatory Bill Gates models that were wildly inaccurate.
- The Treasury Department successfully sent out payments to 80 million Americans.
- A relief program has been initiated for American farmers and ranchers totaling $19 billion.
- Another food program has been put into effect that will provide $3 billion worth of food to Americans in need.
“Even as we prepare to repair our economy, america continues to wage an all out medical war to defeat the invisible enemy.”
- 3.78 million Coronavirus tests have been completed in the United States with the most robust, accurate, and advanced testing in the world.
- Cutting-edge at-home, self-administered saliva tests are currently in development.
“We are now the king of ventilators with tens of thousands under construction.”
- All 50 states have been provided with their requested amount of ventilators.
- Enough ventilators have been made to re-stock to federal stockpile, and there are plans to continue to produce ventilators to sell to other countries in need.
- In the next few days, certain states will begin taking the necessary steps to re-open within the next few days.
- Sufficient testing capacity has been built nationwide for all 50 states to being the re-opening process in the coming weeks.
- The FDA officially released a brand-new anti-body test that will diagnose people who are asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic.
- Cases on the West Coast are consistently low & steady.
- The Greater NYC Area, New Orleans, and Detroit have seen a steady decrease in hospitalizations and cases.
- For the first time in American history, all 50 states are under major disaster declarations.
- 5,500 active duty military personnel have been deployed to 9 states.
- 33,000 National Guardsmen have also been activated.
Guidelines to Open Up America Again
- The state must have a downward trajectory in positive Coronavirus cases over 14 days.
- The state must have proper capacity in healthcare facilities.
- If both of the criteria are met, the state can move to Phase 1 of re-opening.
- Governors will decide the time and manner that their state will re-open.
“Under President Trump’s guide, we are going to continue to work every single day to make sure that the states and communities have the testing they need to reopen at the time and manner of their choosing”
- FEMA continues to coordinate the delivery of millions of units of medical equipment to areas in need.
- The Coronavirus Task Force is working to mobilize CDC Officials in all 50 states to monitor the Coronavirus.
- President Trump reinvented testing in America.
- Previously, testing was done at the CDC or state labs, but they lacked the capacity to keep up with the newfound demand.
- So, President Trump forged public & private partnerships with commercial testing facilities that have more than enough capability to test swiftly & efficiently.
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