China, W.H.O. De-Funding, State of the Nation | Trump's Press Briefing by CedCommerce Collaborator

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China, W.H.O. De-Funding, State of the Nation | Trump's Press Briefing

China, W.H.O. De-Funding, State of the Nation | Trump's Press Briefing

It's no surprise that The Donald has been a fearless leader with unshakable resolve throughout these increasingly uncertain times.

The reporting team at Liberty Tee Shop watched the briefing and is providing you with a summary of what you need to know.



“China has raided our factories, offshore our jobs, gutted our industries, stole our intellectual property, and violated their commitments under the World Trade Organization.”


  • China has ripped of the United States for decades with hundreds of billions of dollars a year being lost, especially over the years during the previous administration.

  • China is a developing nation & has access to benefits that others including the U.S does not have.

  • The theft by China occurred because of the past roles of politicians and presidents.

  • China has illegally claimed territory in the Pacific Ocean and has warned us not to navigate around that area.



  • Claims China has control over the World Health Organization.
    • China donated $40 million whereas the United States donated $450 billion.

"As of today, the United States will not be a part of the World Health Organization."
  • President Trump has set up a proclamation to better secure the United States university research and delay the arrival of particular foreign nationals from China.

  • This week China has taken over Hong Kong’s security.
    • This is potentially a violation of Beijing's treaty obligations.

  • Trump is directing administration to begin getting rid of policy exemptions that give Hong Kong more privileges and treatments.

  • They will be revising travel advisory for Hong Kong.

“Hong Kong was a glimpse into China’s future, not that Hong Kong would grow into a reflection of China’s past”


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